news & events
01.03.2020Therapy Cards Launched!
Dr Atkins has a launched a set of eating disorders therapy cards that explore the battle between the “Head Space” ruled by
Inner Critics and the “Heart Space” ruled by the Core Self and guided by Internal Sages.
Click below for more details....
ED Therapy Cards
New Journal Launched!
Dr Atkins has a launched an eating disorders journal that accompanies her book called "Letting Go of ED - Embracing Me"
Click below for more details....
Letting Go of ED Journal
New Book Launched!
Dr Atkins has a launched her new book "Unpack your Eating Disorder"
Click below for more details....
Unpack your Eating Disorder Book

Treatment of Eating Disorders
Eating disorders are serious illnesses.Although rare, eating disorders can lead to medical, emotional and social problems and can sometimes require hospitalisation. Eating disorders have the highest rate of death of all psychiatric illnesses either from medical complications or by suicide. Therefore they require immediate psychological treatment.