Payment Options


Reduced rates are available for families with health care cards for appointments scheduled in business hours.


Private Health Insurance

Most private health insurers offer a rebate for psychological services. Some health funds also require a medical referral. Contact your insurer for further information.

MEDICARE mental health care plan


Medicare Mental health care plans are for people who have several healthcare professionals working with them. A care plan explains the support provided by each of those professionals and when treatment should be provided. Your care plan might also include what to do in a crisis or to prevent relapse.

With a Mental Health Care Plan in place you are entitled to a rebate from Medicare for fees from an authorised Clinical Psychologist.

Medicare eligible services are limited to 10 individual sessions per client, per calendar year (January – December), with a review by the referring practitioner required after the initial 6 sessions.


Getting a mental health care plan

Please speak to your GP about obtaining a mental health care plan. Your doctor will use a care plan to help you work out what services you need, set goals and decide on the best treatment options for you. At other times, your doctor may contribute to a care plan that someone else has organised – for example, when you are returning home from spending time in hospital. 

A fact sheet for Mental Health Care Plans can be downloaded below:

Else, more information can be found here:


Standard Rates

Standard hourly rates apply for consulation during business hours of Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm.


Increased hourly rates will apply for consultations outside of the standard business hours (M-F 9am to 5pm)

Family and Group Rates

Rates for consultations for larger or extended families are in most case not subject to additional levies or charges above the Standard Rates. However, additional charges may apply in selected cases and these will be outlined at the time of booking.


Group treatment sessions will be charged at a per-person rate that will be outlined at the time of booking.


Wokshops will be charged at a per-person rate that will be outlined at the time of booking. Should all attendees be part of the same booking group (such as GPs from a medical center or teachers from a school) then a total group rate will apply that will be outlined at the time of booking.


Fees for the supervision of other Psychologists or Probationary Psychologists are arranged on an individual basis. Supervision sessions are tailored to the individual and can be conducted remotely if required via video chat.